Link Building Earns Google Rank: A Myth or Fact

link building

It is a subject of deep research whether Google appreciates sites, which build inbound links on other reputed websites, or not. In official statements, Google has never given direct insights on the creation of links on websites with luring ranks. On the other hand, search engines talk about the contribution, distribution, sharing, and activity of the virtual universe. Simply, Google earns money from the web and to keep its own marketplace happening it gives proper security to genuine vendors and punishment to wrongdoers. Now, here we need to understand this statement of Google in detailed format.

Let’s figure out what Google meant by Sharing.

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Sharing: Distribute Your Knowledge

Unlike Facebook’s Share button, the sharing for Google is different. It might seem confusing to you but it is true that the same word can acquire two different meanings for two different virtual entrepreneurs. In the case of Google, the word sharing refers to genuine efforts of making fellow internet users knowledgeable. As per Google, the web grows on the ‘you grow we grow’ model. So, it is necessary to share your knowledge with your fellows. It causes activity over the web. Moreover, such sharing connects people together. In simple words, you can share your knowledge in the form of textual, graphical, and visual content at a place, where web readers usually venture their time. You can leave a link with your post to let people come on your site but only if they want to come.

Contribution- Nourish Web with Your Answers

With this contribution, Google wants to ask you to take part in productive discussions at forums and discussion sites. Therefore, new users can take help from your knowledge. Initially, you can take help with your technical or non-technical queries. It is an interesting way to interact with people who do not know and may not even know each other but with the web they can and you can. So, just contribute to turning the web a resourceful element of human lives. Believe it, your genuine efforts will certainly pay you back.

Activity – Go Virtual

When Google gives rants over the activity on websites, people connect this term with flooding of contents, which is a wrong connection. By referring to the activity, Google wants to say that your virtual brand should interact virtually with your targeted customers. Your brand should behave over the web as if you are living in the real world. Though, the success over web flows through links but freshness is an integral part of virtual marketing.

What is Punishable!

Well, it is necessary to talk about strategies that are punishable and wrongdoing according to Google. The strategies, which should not be followed, are bulleted below:

  • One should never flood one’s website with plenty of links.
  • One should never aim to earn money in a direct manner without contributing to the web.
  • Guest blogging should be not taken as a means of bringing high-value online visitors to your site by posting relevant content.
  • Social media networking stands for interaction between genuine social media users instead of circulating links via fake ids.

Now, you can understand each & every aspect that you might have misunderstood in the past. So, just make yourself ready for earning the love of Google.